How I Became
“Make it Fun Mom”
I remember the moment that I made it my mission to go on as many adventures with my children as physically possible.
At the time my children were very little and I had just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I had such debilitating back pain that apart from short periods of time when I was making breakfast or fixing snacks for the kids, I was laying on the couch in my flannel pajamas, curled up in a ball.
My kids got very used to seeing me on the couch. The couch is where they immediately went to bring me a drawing, or to ask for a snack or to excitedly tell me what fun place my husband had taken them that day.
One night after a particularly difficult and painful day, shoulders aching and tired, I dragged myself upstairs to my daughter’s room to read her a bedtime story. The room was dimly lit with twinkle lights hanging from her closet (a little hack for monster prevention) as we sat reading a book under her princess castle bunkbed.
That night my daughter asked me to read “Harold and the Purple Crayon” and snuggled up close to me. If you haven’t read the book, Harold is an imaginative child that draws out all of his adventures with a purple crayon. He draws a boat so he can go sailing. He draws a purple castle and dresses as a knight. The purple crayon holds all his power, creativity and sense of adventure.
We were halfway through the book when Katalina abruptly ran out of the room in her “Dora the Explorer” pajamas. Moments later she shuffled back in and exclaimed “I’ve got a present for you mommy!” and handed me a purple crayon.
I thought it was adorable she had even known where to find the crayons, as our house had become such a mess since my diagnosis. I laughed at how cute she was and told her we don’t really draw in our books, but it was very creative of her. Katalina looked up at me with her big brown eyes and very matter of factly said: “I got the purple crayon so I can draw a couch outside in the park and you can come with us Mommy.”
Tears welled up in my eyes and I hugged my little girl in my arms. I almost burst into tears knowing my kids were missing ME as much as I was missing them. I told myself that I’d find a way to get better enough to take them on every adventure my body would allow.
I didn’t get better overnight but over time with medicine and with perseverance I’ve had far fewer days on the couch. Now that I’m feeling better I’ve made it my mission to help other families enjoy the same adventures! I know parents are busy and have limited amounts of free time, they want to KNOW the adventure will be fantastic BEFORE they go so I try and do that work for them. And as a reminder to myself WHY I do this, I designed my logo “Make it Fun Mom” to look handwritten in purple crayon. This way I never forget to appreciate the journey and how far I’ve come.